COVID Safe Experiences

Our priority is providing a safe walking experience for all our guests.

Private Day Tours

All 2022 full-day tours will be private tours, ensuring you won’t have to mingle with anyone outside your immediate family, household or travelling group. Plus, you’ll have the expertise of Simon or Michelle all to yourself!

Mandatory Vaccinations

From 17 December 2021, all staff and guests attending an experience provided by Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as per the Public Health and Social Measures mandated by the Queensland State Government.

Reduced Night Safari Group Size

All 2022 public Night Safari Tours will have a reduced maximum group size of 8. This ensures you can still hear everything your expert guide has to say, whilst maintaining effective social distancing.


COVID Safe Policies and Measures

  • On 17 December 2021, new Public Health and Social Measures mandated by the Queensland Government came into effect. These measures introduced a number of restrictions for unvaccinated people, including their exclusion from tourism experiences.
  • For the duration of this mandate, Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours is required to only accept fully vaccinated patrons (as defined by the Queensland State Government) on our tours.
  • Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours is required to sight proof of each patron’s COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate, immunisation history statement, international COVID-19 vaccination certificate, or approved medical exemption prior to tour commencement.
  • All guests are expected to arrive at the designated meeting location prepared to check-in using the “Check In Qld” app, at which point Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours will check for proof of vaccination.

At the time of booking:

  • All guests are required to supply accurate personal information for the purpose of contact tracing. This information will be securely stored  and only supplied to the Queensland State Government if officially requested for contact tracing purposes.
  • All guests are required to agree to our COVID Policy prior to finalising their tour booking. This also ensures we are all aware of our obligations to one another under current regulations.

On the day of the tour:

  • All guests are required to check in using the “Check In Qld” app. Allowances will be made for those who don’t have access to a smart device.
  • All guests are required to present their COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate, immunisation history statement, international COVID-19 vaccination certificate, or approved medical exemption, in order to join our tours.
  • All full day tours throughout the 2022 season will be private, which means you won’t have to share your expert guide with any other booking.
  • A private booking is defined as a single household, family or group travelling together. Our goal is to keep you safe, and this approach will ensure you won’t have to mingle with anyone outside your social or family unit or travelling group.
  • All Night Safari Tours throughout the 2022 season will be operating with a reduced maximum group size of 8. This ensures all guests can still hear their guide whilst maintaining effective social distancing. Private bookings for larger groups travelling together, or those who would prefer an exclusive experience, are possible. Please make direct contact with Simon and Michelle for more information.
  • Our tour movements within Carnarvon Gorge will abide by any restrictions imposed by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, including social distancing at major sites where visitor numbers at any one time are limited.
  • We will carry surface spray to sanitise public toilets prior to use.
  • We will carry hand sanitiser, but would prefer you bring your own.
  • You MUST be willing to abide by any social distancing instructions as directed by your tour guide and/or National Park Staff.
  • You CANNOT attend our tours if you are experiencing ANY flu-like symptoms consistent with COVID-19 which includes cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • You CANNOT attend our tours if you have been in contact with any known COVID-19 cases within 14 days of your tour commencing.
  • You CANNOT attend our tours if you have travelled from, visited, or transited through any area listed as high risk by the Queensland State Government, within 14 days of your tour commencing.
  • For your information: engaging in travel and tourism-based activities is not currently recommended for people who fall into one of the COVID-19 “at-risk” groups as recognised by the Queensland State Government.
  • Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours reserve the right to refuse service to customers who fail to comply with our COVID Safe Policy.

We understand that plans can change quickly, especially in this day and age. As such, we’ve implemented the following measures to ensure you won’t be out of pocket:

  • During the online booking process, guests will supply credit card details which will be securely stored by Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours, and charged once the tour has been delivered. This negates the need for refunds upon cancellation.
  • Should you be forced to change your travel plans due to experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours will happily cancel, postpone, or reschedule (subject to availability) your tour booking without charge.
  • Should you be forced to change your travel plans due to Government imposed COVID-related restrictions, Carnarvon Gorge Eco Tours will happily cancel, postpone, or reschedule (subject to availability) your tour booking without charge.